Ø (read verse 4) What does it mean to call on the Lord?
Ø What happened, not only to David but to other leaders of Israel as well, when they went into battle without first consulting God? They may not have always lost the battle, but they didn’t have God’s help in winning!
Ø To “call on the Lord” is more than uttering His name, and it is more than calling out to Him! Read Matthew 7:21-23 and Acts 22:16. After reading these two passages what is involved in “calling on the Lord”?
Ø (read verses 5-16) David recognized that he needed God, and so he cried out to God, and God responded. Keep in mind that this is a work of poetry, there is a lot of figurative language here. The imagery of the earth shaking and the foundations of heaven moving, smoke coming from His nostrils and fire from His mouth, represent his anger against the enemies of His followers.
Ø (verses 17-19) Many times in the Old Testament we see the Israelites face what we would consider insurmountable odds, but by God’s power they are delivered. “David’s strong enemies were too powerful for him to defeat on his own, but with the assistance of the Almighty, his triumph was certain and complete” (Winton)
Ø What are some examples of David overcoming stronger enemies? Goliath, Saul, Absalom
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